Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Internet Safety: Doing

I talked to my 14 year old sister about internet safety. She seems to be well-informed of the dangers of cyberspace. She told me that she gets online about 30 minutes every day and that most of her friends are online at least an hour every day. When she's online, she checks her Facebook account where she has about 40 friends in her network, who she is friends with at school. She doesn't have any friends that she doesn't know in real life. I also asked her about cyber bullying and she said that is when someone is mean to another person over the internet. She said that she thinks that people are meaner on the internet because they don't have to face the person. She said that she knows someone who is cyber bullied 1-2 times a week. I was surprised by that, I don't think I've known anyone my whole life who has been cyber bullied. She said the most important thing about internet safety is to not give out any information to people you don't know and just not even to talk to them. I then told my sister about some of the things I learned from the articles that I read and watched. When I told her about the girl who met up with a guy she had met over the internet and then was murdered, along with many other girls, she wasn't surprised. She has heard about things like that happening. I am glad that my sister is well-informed because there are so many children who aren't and they can end up getting themselves into a lot of trouble.

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